
Title: Satori Blues: A Poem Author: Cyril Wong Call No.: WON Review: Cyril’s new chapbook-length poem records a yearning for spiritual truth and clarity. In less experienced hands, it could so easily turn hokey. It is, instead, a sensitive account of a whole-person response to Buddhist thinkers such as Jiddu Krishnamurti, Thich Nhat Hanh, Shunryu Suzuki, […]

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Book Review: Butch & Girl Talk

Title:        Butch & Girl Talk Author:    Sabariah Call No.:    SAB Review: A collection of short narrative pieces exclusively about the experiences of young lesbian and bisexual women (and FTM men) in Singapore. It is unclear whether the stories are real life accounts or a work of fiction but they carry a tone of genuine […]

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Book Review: The Myopic Years

Title:        The Myopic Years Author:   Poppy Pachinko Call No.:  PAC Review: The Myopic Years traces the early life of a girl growing up in the Singaporean school system and finding herself confronted with various challenges along the way. The story begins from her primary school days and graduates subsequently into her secondary school life. […]

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