In line with Ace Week, we presented this Ace talk with fantastic guest speakers (@Pinginthenorth and @apoliwag) from Aces Going Places @acesgoingplacessg on the last Saturday of Oct! 🙌 Together, we delved deep into Asexuality and Aromanticism, debunking common misconceptions and shining a light on the experiences of the Aroace community!
Hope everyone had a great time and a better understanding of what asexuality and aromanticism are! (Pssss…. Our library has a bunch of resources and books on the topic as well!) As always, our library is open for browsing and borrowing on Saturdays from 2-6 pm. so feel free to drop by to browse/borrow the books or just to chill out with our lovely volunteers!
Keep a look out for our opening schedule and more events over at our Instagram!