Review – “The Law & You: How to plan for your LGBT family”

Pelangi Pride Centre was packed last Saturday when nearly 50 participants came to attend The Law & You: How to plan for your LGBT family by Indulekshmi Rajeswari, the editor of “Same but Different: A Legal Guidebook for LGBT Couples & Families in Singapore”. Our co-organiser Oogachaga was represented by Leow Yangfa who helped to host the event.

Indulekshmi shared about important and practical legal issues for LGBTQ folks to take note of which included Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, organ donations, Advanced Medical Directives, property, children among others. The Q&A at the end also attracted various practical questions which she answered helpfully.

All participants were given a free copy of “Same but Different”, with the first 20 participants getting a signed copy. A free e-book can be downloaded here: